Monday, 10 March 2014

Link Round-up 10th March

As always, its time for a look at some of the best links I've found over the past two weeks.
  1. If you're not clued up on what nuclear fission and fusion are, or if you just want an excuse to listen to GLaDOS (as played by 
    Ellen McLain
    ) related things like me, check out this youtube video from NASA. If that's just not enough GLaDOS for you, then why not check out the amazing Pacific Rim, where she voices the Jaeger AI systems.
  2. Among the many, many articles released for International Women's Day, I particularly liked this one by Prof. Athene Donald focussing on how women define academic success. Another article well worth a read is "Don't just use women in science- listen to them too" by Alice Bell.
  3. Following on from last week's post on tissue engineering; this week research was published on using stem cells from fat to grow cartilage. In the work  fat stem cells (which can be accessed through liposuction) were put on a synthetic scaffold, and were directed to produce cartilage-like tissue. One of the possible applications of this work could be in providing ear reconstruction for children, as the tissue should be able to grow with the child or in improving on the previous artificial trachea transplant by kick starting it with fat stem cells. If you're interested in reading the actual paper, it is open access and can be viewed here. As a health warning the BBC article is full of hype and a closer look at the actual paper shows that this is a very early proof of concept study so, even though these are exciting results, don't expect to see this technology in use for a while yet!
And finally... Peter Capaldi Appears in 12th Doctor Costume at the BBC Worldwide Showcase. I don't know about you, but that picture revealing Peter Capaldi's look as the 12th Doctor was pretty funny. Thankfully, we can now see it in a more natural natural way (and looking pretty good) in Peter Capaldi's appearance at the BBC Worldwide Showcase. 

Fellow Yorkshire geeks rejoice! Showmasters have just announced they will be running a Sheffield Film and Comic Con at the arena on 30th and 31st August  for the first time ever this year! The event appears to have Sky Atlantic and Anime League support, so I'm crossing my fingers for lots of Game of Thrones and anime related shenanigans. 


  1. I really enjoyed the article of "What is Academic Success..." found inspiring, especially Prof Jane Clarke. Now I fancy to read the book "Meaning of Success" mentioned in the article... I really think that women can measure success in such a different way as we can also be mothers, wives, scientists, etc... I think that our measure of success is not just "professional" when you put all these other elements into the equation. Thanks Rach! a really good read to start the day!

    1. I'm glad you liked it!
      I found it extremely interesting and it made me think about how I define success in my life. I think I'm still working out how I measure my success in my PhD at the moment, but its nice to know that there are people out there who aren't hung up on the number of citations and papers they have!
