Monday, 24 March 2014

Link Round-up 24th March 2014

This week has been pretty big in science so here are my favourite links from the past week:
  1. Gravitational Waves Exist!
    Last week a paper was published describing the first every observation of gravity waves! The BBC have provided a very handy guide to what it all means. I'm not even going to try to start explaining it here as this is very, very much out of my field. However, the headline discoveries are that at the beginning of the universe everything was light and the initial expansion of the universe was faster than the speed of light. (Thank you PhD comics for explaining that to me!
  2. What impact does the Higgs Boson have on society?
    I was at an event this week and was pretty shocked when a scientist said the following. "What impact does the Higgs boson have?" where he was basically saying "what benefit does it have to wider society?" So I have been spurred on to link up to firstly the CERN technology portfolio which provides details on the various technologies developed by CERN and a more thorough document describing the direct impact of the LHC for the very interested. As I think basic science research is very important I may well expand on this topic in a future blog post.
  3. Planet Hunter's has new data for you!
    Planet Hunter's is a citizen science project from zooniverse which gets people from all over the world to search for new planets by looking at the light from stars in distant galaxies. They've finished classifying their first batch of data (quarter 14) and they now have a brand new set to get stuck into. Maybe you can help find a brand new planet!
  4. The Thesis Whisperer
    The Thesis Whisper is a fantastic blog for anyone who's doing or thinking of doing a PhD. It's full of great tips for writing and research in general that I have found really helpful over the past year.  
And finally... Here's my favourite cover by the Piano Guys, Cello Wars its a fantastic treat to both listen to an watch. Also, after being blown away by The Lego Movie this weekend I have to link to the theme song, the epic Everything is Awesome.

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