Monday 9 February 2015

The State of the Superposition

Right then! I've been thinking about where I want this blog to go, so I want to update you all on what might be coming your way in the near future.

Up until now I've been writing about science, degrees, PhDs and some science related things. But, now I'm heading into thesis writing territory I'm going to change the subject matter ever so slightly. The reason for this is pretty simple. I'm going to be writing about science (my science in fact) for long periods of my day and the idea of writing even more about just science or my PhD doesn't feel very fun. I'll probably do an odd PhD related posts about writing a thesis or something else, but don't expect as much university related content. Instead my idea is that Superposition of Sciences will branch out and look at science in the media, from woks of fiction to documentaries to news stories. Why? Well, it's something that I find particularly interesting at the moment and I have opinions on it; so hopefully I'll have something to say and we'll have new a superposition (overlap) of science and the media, instead of just different sciences.

Thanks for reading so far and I hope you still will as I move into this new area of discussion.

Later this week you can expect to see a new link round up and a fresh post will appear next week.

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